Love the skin you are in makeup

Love the skin you are in makeup

Women hardly ever get time to take care of themselves as much as they should because of their household works, deadlines, and meetings. They also don’t have time to take care of their skin. Furthermore, the problem is made worse by the rising pollution levels and the harsh weather. Your skin can appear lifeless and drab when sticking to a simple skincare regimen becomes difficult. As a result, maintaining a self-care routine that supports good skin care is crucial. It’s important to” Love the skin you are in makeup”,

But first, spend some time figuring out what kind of skin you have:

Sensitive skin: After using a product, sensitive skin may sting or burn.

Normal skin: Normal skin is non-sensitive and clear.

Dry skin: Dry skin is rough, itchy, and flaky.

Oily Skin:  Skin that is oily is glossy and greasy.

Combination skin: Combination skin can be oily or dry in different places.


Knowing your skin type can help you choose the best skin care products for your needs and learn how to take care of your skin.

Important skincare advice for women:

Multitasking can be stressful, and stress is one of the main factors that harm skin. For their skin to stay radiant and attractive, working women must adhere to a healthy skincare regimen. To prevent skincare issues and in order to “Love the skin you are in makeup” ,discover some of the best skin care advice for  women, scroll down:

There are three types of skin care:

  1.       Makeup based skin care
  2.       Natural Skin Care &
  3.       Home remedies.

Makeup based skin care:



Every day before you go outside, apply sunscreen. Sunscreen is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. Ageing skin can be slowed down by it. It can also help prevent skin cancer. Seek for a sunscreen with water resistance, SPF 30 (or greater), and broad-spectrum protection. Although it’s crucial to shield newborns’ skin from the sun, the AAD advises sunscreen application ONLY for kids six months of age and up.

Refrain from using makeup every day:

Your skin may suffer if you wear cosmetics for longer than eight hours. It is not the healthiest practice to wear heavy makeup to work. Leaving chemical-rich products on your skin for nine to ten hours is not recommended because this can cause makeup particles to gather in your pores and cause skin issues. Try to avoid wearing makeup to work and apply a light layer of cosmetics to your face. You must allow your skin to breathe naturally for a while. In the event that you choose not to use makeup, remember to thoroughly wash and moisturise your face. Remember to use sunscreen as well.

 Make use of a nightly skincare regimen:

We are Too busy to maintain a skincare routine in the morning!  Try going after one after dark. A routine that you perform at night can only help your skin because studies have shown that your skin is repairing throughout this time. Apply a night cream and moisturiser after using a toner to clean your skin. Apply a serum to your skin now, and give yourself a mini facial massage by lightly tapping it. To see a difference in your skin, do it on a regular basis.

 Scrub your skin:

Exfoliating is beneficial to your skin since it helps to eliminate dry skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and healthy. To see the changes in your skin, you should exfoliate it twice a week. Frequent exfoliation will improve the texture and appearance of your skin, leaving it smooth and radiant. You can slowly and gently exfoliate the skin using a handmade scrub or a light one. Try doing this twice a week to observe the impact.

 Wash your face gently:  

Wash your face gently; Skin looks its finest after gentle washing. Wet your face with warm water to gently cleanse it. Next, use your fingertips to gently apply a light cleaner in a circular motion. Lastly, rinse off the cleanser thoroughly and use a fresh towel to gently pat dry your skin.

 Select skin care items according to your skin type:


 Knowing your skin type can help you choose the best skin care products for your needs and learn how to take care of your skin. As previously stated, here’s how to determine and comprehend  Love the skin you are in makeup skin type:

Sensitive skin: After using a product, it may sting or burn.

Normal skin: It  is non-sensitive and clear.

Dry skin: rough, flaky, or itching

Skin type combination: greasy in some places, dry in others

Oily: Glamorous and oily.

 Treat your lips:

Apply a lip balm or lipstick containing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher before heading outside, as skin cancer can develop on the lips. Apply petroleum jelly to your lips if they seem dry or cracked for extra hydration.

Natural Skin Care:

Avoid smoking:

Smoking causes wrinkles and ages the appearance of your skin. Smoking causes the minuscule blood vessels in the skin’s outermost layers to constrict, reducing blood flow and resulting in paler skin. Additionally, this depletes the skin of nutrients and oxygen, all of which are critical for healthy skin. Additionally, smoking weakens the fibres that give your skin its flexibility and strength, called collagen and elastin. Furthermore, smoking-related repetitive facial gestures like narrowing your eyes to block out smoke and pursing your lips during inhalation can accentuate the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, smoking raises the chance of squamous cell skin cancer. The greatest strategy to protect your skin if you smoke is to give it up. Consult your physician for advice on quitting smoking or for treatment options.

 Check your skin for skin cancer:

Look for skin cancer on your skin. Screening your own skin can help detect skin cancer early on, when it is still highly curable. Make an appointment to see a dermatologist if you see an area that looks different from the others or if it changes, itches, or bleeds.

 Reduce your stress:  

Developing good coping mechanisms for stress can also benefit your skin. Certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (eczema), frequently manifest initially in times of extreme stress. In addition, stress has been linked to flare-ups of rosacea, psoriasis, acne, and eczema.

 Keep your hands off :

Keep your hands off your face. You bring oil, bacteria, and filth from your hands onto your face every time you touch it. Try your hardest not to touch your skin during the day. Picking, popping, or squeezing pimples should be avoided as this might leave scars.

 Put on safety gear:

Wear long sleeves, long pants, and wide-brimmed hats to conceal your skin. Additionally take into account sun-protective gear, which is made expressly to block ultraviolet radiation, or laundry additives, which provide clothes with an extra layer of UV protection for a set number of washings.

Take good care of your skin:

Regular shaving and cleaning can be harsh on your skin. To be tactful:

 Set a time limit for bathing:

 Long baths or showers with hot water eliminate grease from your skin. Use warm, not hot, water when taking a bath or shower, and set a duration limit.

Steer clear of powerful soaps:

Your skin might become oily when you use strong soaps and detergents. Instead, choose mild cleansers.

Shave gently:

 To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving. Make use of a sharp, clean razor for the closest shave. Shave with, not against, the direction that the hair grows.

Dry with a pat:

 Use a towel to gently pat or blot your skin dry after bathing or cleaning so that some moisture is left on it.

 Consume a balanced diet:


You can feel and look your best with a balanced diet. Consume a lot of whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Although there is conflicting evidence about the relationship between food and acne, some studies indicate that a diet high in fish oil or fish oil supplements and low in processed or refined carbohydrates may help maintain younger-looking skin. Hydrating your skin with enough of water is beneficial.

 Control your tension:

Unmanaged stress can lead to outbreaks of acne and other skin issues, as well as greater sensitivity in your skin. Manage your stress if you want to promote healthy skin and a healthy mindset. Reduce the amount of work on your to-do list, get adequate sleep, set realistic boundaries, and create time for the activities you enjoy. You might not anticipate such a drastic outcome.

Home remedies:(Love the skin you are in makeup)

Try these natural cures instead of chemicals:

Do you regularly spend a lot of money on upscale salon services? Avoid it! Instead of letting them utilise chemical-infused skincare products on your face, try going natural. Although this therapy will make you look younger for a short while, over time it could seriously harm your skin. Why search elsewhere when your kitchen has so many options for skin care? Try using gram flour, oats, honey, rice water, and other non-harmful home cures for your skin.

Here are some pointers for creating homemade skin care products at home.

Oil: To lessen dryness on the hands and body, use coconut oil.

Baking soda: Apply baking soda to your hands and feet to relieve tough calluses.

Masks: For a face mask, combine yoghourt with green tea or just an egg white.

Coffee grinds and coconut oil can be combined to make an exfoliating body scrub.

Avoid citrus: Steer clear of acidic foods and essential oils while making homemade remedies. Skin safety only extends to mild essential oils, which must be diluted with carrier oil.


Love the skin you are in makeup is common for all. Maintaining adequate hydration levels for your skin starts on the inside. Try to drink eight glasses of water or more each day to keep your skin looking young and healthy. Without it, since each person’s skin type is different, it’s critical to customise your skincare regimen to meet your needs. Think about seeing a dermatologist to discuss any particular worries you may have.

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