Is it safe to travel to Poland because of Ukraine?

Is it safe to travel to Poland because of Ukraine?

The government of New Zealand advises against visiting Belarus and Ukraine at all. Locations near Poland’s borders with Belarus and Ukraine may limit access if not through official border crossings. Checkpoints may abruptly close or impose restrictions. Let’s discuss” Is it safe to travel to Poland because of Ukraine.”

Russia is still at war in Ukraine, and Russian military operations have occurred there up to 20 km from the Polish border. An explosion killed two Polish nationals at Przewodów, Poland, in 2022, close to the Ukrainian border.

The Terror

Poland faces a modest threat from terrorism. Terrorist organizations, people coming back to Europe from war zones, and those who follow extreme strains of ideology all still threaten to carry out attacks in Poland and throughout Europe. Attacks have previously been carried out by groups that adhere to different ideologies.

It is urged that New Zealanders living in Poland keep an eye on the media and other local information sources to stay informed about any threats to their safety and security. We advise paying attention in public areas and adhering to any directives given by the local authorities.


Poland has a low crime rate, but in larger cities like Warsaw and Krakow, there have been sporadic incidents of pickpocketing, drink spiking that results in credit card fraud, and muggings. Robberies on trains and in the vicinity of major train stations are more common. Since thieves frequently collaborate, they may divert victims’ attention while robbing them.

We advise you to always supervise your food and drink to ensure safety and advise against accepting drinks from new or unfamiliar people. Pay attention to your surroundings and take precautions to protect your personal property.

When purchasing drinks at pubs, nightclubs, and adult entertainment establishments, ask about drink costs beforehand and double-check the amount and currency on the bill, especially if a special offer enticed you. At these establishments, there have been reports of overcharging and significant amounts of money being charged to debit or credit cards.

Unrest in Civilization

Poland frequently has protests, especially in Warsaw and other major cities. These can cause disruptions to transit and public service. It is urged that New Zealanders residing in Poland avoid protests and demonstrations because even nonviolent ones might become violent at any time. 

Is visiting Poland a safe destination?

Is visiting Poland a safe destination

The violence has only affected Ukrainian territory thus far. Furthermore, despite being within 20 km of Poland, Russian military operations have not violated international borders.

However, on November 15, after prolonged shelling in Ukraine, a stray missile built in Russia touched down in the eastern Polish village of Przewodów, which is part of the Lubelskie province. Two Polish citizens died. Although the incident is still being investigated, concerns about the NATO military’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict have been expressed.

The UK Foreign Office does not issue travel advisories that forbid visiting Poland or any of its borders. The warning is still in effect: within 20 kilometers of Poland’s border, military actions by Russia have occurred in Ukraine. 

How about traveling to other nations that have borders with Ukraine?

Ukraine’s western neighbors, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania, are safe because the UK Foreign Office has kept its guidance. It is advisable to steer clear of those nations’ borders with Ukraine, meanwhile, in part because of initiatives to host hundreds of thousands of migrants fleeing the fighting. Regarding the Polish border, this is also true.

The border crossing here has been blocked, and the UK Foreign Office recommends against visiting Moldova’s Transnistria area on its eastern border with Ukraine. On February 24, Moldova closed its airspace and declared an emergency. Similarly, a state of emergency was announced in Lithuania, which borders Belarus to the north of Ukraine, and everyone living there had to carry a photo ID at all times.

The Foreign Office recommends against visiting Ukraine, Russia, or Belarus anytime.

Which flights from the UK are prohibited?

On the first day of the invasion, the government forbade Aeroflot and other Russian airlines from entering British airspace; Russia promptly complied. Since then, the UK Foreign Office has advised against traveling to Russia, with most European airspace being inaccessible to Russian aircraft and vice versa.

The repercussions will extend well beyond Russia, and passengers heading to Asian destinations could need to adjust to lengthier, more convoluted trips. It’s reminiscent of aviation in the Cold War when non-Soviet carriers could not go over Siberia on the most direct routes to the Far East. 

Present Circumstances and Safety Issues

Present Circumstances and Safety Issues

Advice from the government:

Examine the travel warnings that the authorities in your nation of origin have issued. The US, UK, Canada, and Australia, among others, frequently update travel warnings with the most recent information about safety and security in Poland and the surrounding area.

Stability in the Region:

One must be aware of any possible ramifications affecting travel plans in Poland, such as increased military presence, refugee movements, or diplomatic problems, even though Poland is not directly involved in the Ukrainian crisis.

News and Updates from the Local Level:

Stay up to date on local news from reputable outlets. Rapid changes in the regional security environment can occur, so staying informed will enable you to act fast.

Procedures for Health and Safety:

Like many other nations, Poland may modify its health and safety regulations in response to local happenings. Look for any revisions to public health guidelines, particularly considering the current worldwide pandemic and potential local implementations.

Helpful Advice for Secure Travel with Travel Insurance:

Ensure your travel insurance is extensive enough to cover unanticipated occurrences such as political upheaval or disruptions resulting from a conflict.

Contacts for Emergencies:

Find the addresses and phone numbers of the embassy or consulate in your nation in Poland. They can help and provide information in an emergency.

Remain Up to Date:

If your country provides travel alert services, sign up for them. These services provide real-time updates on security and safety-related matters.

Regional Laws and Customs:

Learn about the laws and customs that apply in Poland. Doing this will ensure your trip goes more smoothly and prevent misunderstandings. 


Passengers may consider it safe to travel to Poland because aviation may be less impacted than during the Cold War for several reasons: aircraft can now travel farther unless Russia reverts to a Soviet-style ban on overflights by any foreign carrier, various Asian airlines will still be able to offer the most direct routes; and some east Asian destinations, such as China and North Korea, are still largely closed to tourists due to Covid restrictions. Even though Anchorage, Alaska, may not yet witness the same resurgence as a refueling hub as it did before the fall of the Iron Curtain, any additional distance on aircraft routes would inevitably result in higher ticket costs in the long-haul travel industry.

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