
Is It Better to Wash Your Face With Cold Water

Skincare lovers and beauty experts are still fascinated by the question of what is the best water temperature for washing their face. Some people prefer hot water, which they find soothing and purifying, while others swear by cold water, which they claim has many benefits for their skin. So, what is the final answer? Is it better to wash your face with cold water? Which one is beneficial? 

Let’s find it out throughout this article. I hope you won’t be disappointed at the end.

What Are the Benefits of Washing Your Face with Cold Water?


Cold water can help dry or acne-prone skin, according to Knapp. “Hot water can worsen your dry skin by removing your natural oils (sebum), so cold water is a better option.” This can benefit your skin in various ways, such as shrinking your pores and reducing swelling. Cold showers, which are any showers with a water temperature of less than 21°C (70°F), also have many health benefits.

Cold water can cause blood vessels to constrict, leading to a temporary reduction in the appearance of pores. Smaller pores give the skin a smoother look and may contribute to a more refined complexion.

The cool temperature of cold water helps constrict blood vessels, which can be beneficial in reducing morning puffiness and inflammation. If you wake up with a slightly swollen face, washing with cold water may provide a refreshing solution.

Cold water stimulates blood circulation, promoting a healthy and rosy complexion. Improved blood flow contributes to the delivery of essential nutrients to skin cells, aiding in cell turnover and overall skin vitality.

Cold water can help regulate sebum production, making it a potential ally for individuals with oily or acne-prone skin. By tightening the pores and reducing excess oil, washing with cold water may contribute to a more balanced complexion.

The invigorating sensation of cold water on the face can act as a natural wake-up call. It helps to refresh and energize the skin, making it a great choice for morning skincare routines.

What Are the Disadvantages of Washing Your Face with Cold Water

Washing your face with cold water is not always a good idea, as it can have some negative effects on your skin. For example, cold water can dry out your skin, make it feel tight and uncomfortable, and cause it to flake and peel. Cold water can also remove the natural oils and moisture that your skin needs to stay healthy and protect itself from external factors.

Another problem with washing your face with cold water is that it can interfere with your skin’s cleansing process. Cold water can make it harder for you to wash away the dirt, oil, and makeup that accumulate on your skin throughout the day. This can result in your pores getting clogged and your skin breaking out in pimples and blackheads.

Cold water can also change your skin’s pH level, which is the measure of how acidic or alkaline your skin is. Your skin’s pH level should be slightly acidic, around 5.5, to keep your skin barrier intact and prevent infections and irritations. Cold water can lower your skin’s pH level, making it more acidic and prone to inflammation, redness, and itching. Cold water can also disrupt your skin’s natural balance and make it more susceptible to aging signs, such as wrinkles and sagging.

Why Should You Never Use Hot Water

Dr. Nazarian (Iranian-American plastic surgeon and television personality) says that hot temperatures can aggravate many skin problems, such as rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema. Even if your skin looks fine now, hot water can cause a flare-up.

That’s not the only issue. Another reason to avoid super hot water when washing your face is that hot water can take away the natural moisture and hydration from your skin, Dr. Nazarian says, which can dry out and irritate your skin over time. Also, removing the natural oils from your skin can make your skin produce more oil, which can lead to breakouts.

Why Lukewarm Water Might Be Best


Lukewarm water is the best choice for washing your face. Lukewarm water can make your pores look smaller by plumping your skin. While cold water can make your skin less puffy. Lukewarm water is what the American Academy of Dermatology advises for washing your face.

It works well for all skin types, as Beal says that hot water can take away the natural oils that keep your skin moist. Another advantage of washing your face with warm water is that it helps your skin care products penetrate better.

You should pick a temperature and stick to it. Beal warns that you can damage the tiny blood vessels under your skin if you switch from hot to cold water or vice versa.

Final Answer

Cold water can be a great addition to your skincare regimen, as it can offer many advantages, such as shrinking pores, preventing acne, and making your face look more alert. However, lukewarm water is the best choice for most of your skincare goals. You can also consult a dermatologist or another skincare expert to find out what works best for your specific skin type.



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