How to stay warm while camping in winter

How to stay warm while camping in winter

There’s no getting around it—winter camping means freezing weather. However, don’t let the notion of freezing fingers and toes deter you from going on that snowshoeing or ski tour overnight. You may camp in the winter and stay warm while getting the rest you need to tackle the next day’s goal with the appropriate strategies and tactics. So, it is important to know “How to stay warm while camping in winter”. Thought about going camping in the winter but concerned about staying warm? We’ve got these tried-and-true suggestions covered.

It’s crucial to be warm and cosy when camping in the winter to guarantee a good time. The following advice will help you stay warm:

Select the Appropriate Tent:


You can stay warm in any tent by following the advice in this article. Nonetheless, how simple it is to stay warm depends on the kind of tent you select. There are two type of tents. Such as-

Tiny tent:

Tiny tents are more energy-efficient because they provide more space for insulation. Warming up a small two- or three-person tent is the easiest. It will be more difficult to stay warm in large, standing tents.

Four-season tent:

 Four-season tents are easier to stay warm because they are made for the winter. They are made to resist strong winds and snowfall, and they feature fewer mesh panels. However, most people will be happy enough in a three-season tent unless they are avid backcountry winter campers or mountaineers.


First things first, when camping in chilly weather, dress to impress. Wearing a variety of layers, such as shell jackets, puffiness, base layers, and mid-layers, allows you more control over controlling your body temperature. You will increase your body temperature as you go about your daily activities. It’s crucial to refrain from perspiring while doing this since perspiration cools as it dries, encasing you in a chilly cocoon. By continuously adding and removing layers, you can control your body temperature and minimise sweating, which is essential for remaining comfortable on wintertime trips.


As soon as you’ve set up camp and are prepared to retire for the night, take off your perspiring layers. Even though it could be difficult to undress in inclement weather, you’ll be happy you did. Putting on dry clothes (including socks) helps you feel warmer again. Next, add as many layers as necessary to ensure your comfort. Finish them all with a thick jacket fit for a parka. 

Wearing a hard-shell jacket over your enormous puffy on the coldest nights can be a wise decision because shell coats are quite good at retaining heat. If it means getting a decent night’s sleep, there’s no shame in sleeping in a hard shell; just watch out that you don’t trap too much moisture inside your cocoon. Furthermore bear in mind that, even on a day trip—whether it’s an uphill or skin track—removing your clothing and applying a dry top base layer can really make all the difference in the world. Give it a shot. You’ll discover.

It’s better to use two sleeping pads than one:

You are protected from the chilly ground and snow by your camping mattress, and two pads provide more warmth and insulation than one. The R-value of a pad is a measure of its warmth, or more accurately, its thermal resistance. The good news is that the combined R-values of two pads provide combined insulating power. A closed-cell foam pad with a reflective surface layered on top of a winter-grade air sleeping pad with reflective fabric is the tried-and-true two-pad combo. This configuration is about as warm as it gets in a lightweight, portable sleeping gear.

Arrange a sleeping bag and a quilt:


It can be difficult to find overnight pack gear that is both light and compact and provides winter warmth. That’s why adding a lightweight quilt on top of your winter sleeping bag can be a huge help. Modern fabrics allow sleeping bags and blankets to be more effective and lightweight than before. A featherweight quilt offers protection from the coldest nights for almost no weight penalty, adding that extra layer of ultra-light warmth that can make all the difference.

Place a bottle of hot water in your core area, not on your toes:

Instead of doing what most people recommend and filling a Nalgene® bottle with hot water and placing it at your toes, try doing it near your groyne. It will heat the blood that circulates throughout your body from that central point, reaching all of your extremities and warming your entire body more quickly. It makes a big impact, and you may start teaching the next camper this simple tip right away. Just keep in mind to work carefully around hot water because it’s simple to burn yourself (NEVER use a metal bottle for this!) and to tighten the lid to avoid leaks.


A substantial portion of your body heat escapes through your skull. One of the quickest methods to warm up your body is to cover your dome, but during the night, beanies and jacket hoods have a tendency to come off. However, a balaclava remains in place, holding in the heat you’ve worked so hard to achieve. It also offers a ventilation opening for breathing. Wear it under a hood or beanie to maximise warmth as you sleep.


Airflow in your tent is crucial throughout the winter, despite the fact that it might seem paradoxical. Warm vapour is released into the tent as you breathe. The vapour condenses when it comes into contact with the cold tent fabric and either drips back down on you or freezes, leaving a light layer of frost on everything. Even a small amount of vent opening on your tent will assist keep you from waking up frozen in an icebox of frost that will eventually melt and leave you drenched and unhappy.


Consuming snacks on a regular basis helps your body burn calories, which is what keeps your internal furnace running. Foods high in fat and protein burn more slowly at night than meals high in carbohydrates, but they also keep you fuller and warmer for longer. Another important component of how well your body performs in the cold is hydration. You will only find it more difficult to stay warm if you let yourself get dehydrated. Hydration is key to reducing weariness. Go in the middle of the night if all that water makes you feel the need to. Its worth going outside since heating the fluids in your bladder requires energy from your body. Convert an old Wide mouth water bottle into a pee bottle so you can use it indoors without having to walk outside if you’re a diehard (or really just lazy). Even while it might seem disgusting, sleeping with the aforementioned urine bottle—which has an incredibly tight lid—is a great way to reuse that heat. Should I put that small tip away for an emergency?

Warming gloves, heated boots, and hand warmers


Having a little more technological assistance helps you face the cold with confidence. Although you are unable to bring a space heater, are you able to bring small enough solutions to keep your fingers and toes warm, comfortable, and prepared to perform the duties at hand?

Heat sources:

 If you use any kind of heating inside your tent, proceed with caution. If you decide to use a fuel-burning heater or stove, you must make sure that there is enough ventilation because they can cause carbon monoxide poisoning. For extra warmth, think about utilising electric or battery-operated camping heaters.

Remain dry:

Being wet might cause your body temperature to drop dramatically. Try not to perspire and wear breathable, moisture-wicking materials to keep your clothes dry. Keep additional dry clothes on hand in case you need to change.

Sum Up:

How to stay warm while camping in winter is common one. I spent my longest night ever on a chilly camping trip. I slept very little! Since then, I’ve gone on hundreds of camping trips, perfected my strategy, and learned how to stay warm while camping in winter. Its also important that Seek out a campground that is protected from the wind and inclement weather. To benefit from natural heat, pick an area that gets sunlight during the day. Before you set up your tent, clear any snow off your pitch.



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