How to lose weight and keep muscle

How to lose weight and keep muscle

It’s a good thing if you’re overweight and trying to lose weight. The fact that you could lose muscle as well as fat if you’re not careful is not so good, though. According to studies, muscle accounts for up to 25% of weight loss in dieters. This is problematic since having muscle not only keeps you feeling fit and strong but also increases mortality, guards against illness, and even helps avoid rebound weight gain because losing muscle slows your metabolism, which results in burning fewer calories. Maintaining muscle mass is crucial when cutting weight. So, what’s the best way to lose fat and keep muscle? Let’s talk about how to lose weight and keep muscle.

How to Reduce Body Fat

You must regularly exercise and consume fewer calories per day than you burn in order to lose fat. Regular exercise aids in the loss of fat. You run the risk of losing fat and muscle at the same time if you reduce weight without exercising. Although you can’t reduce the amount of fat in specific body parts, you can reduce your body fat percentage overall.

Proceed cautiously. Rapid weight loss may be linked to muscle loss. It is preferable to shed a little weight every week for a longer duration of time.

How to keep your muscles strong

How to keep your muscles strong

You must find a balance between restricting yourself and exerting as much of yourself as you can if you want to maintain your muscle mass while decreasing your body fat. Results will vary from person to person. Pay attention to your body and modify your exercise and nutrition schedule accordingly.

Plan a time for healing.

In between workouts, give yourself adequate time to recuperate. This is particularly crucial if you’re exercising vigorously and consuming fewer calories. Get enough sleep; it will help you feel more energised.

Avoid restricting

Steer clear of any diet that is very restricted or severe. In the long term, it will take more work to maintain. Refrain from overtraining and avoid any exercise regimen that could wear you out or injure you. Excessive force or speed during exercise might lead to exhaustion or injury, which can prevent you from working out. Recall that relaxation days are crucial.


Another crucial component in preserving muscle mass is exercise. A 2018 Trusted Source study looked at the impact of calorie restriction in conjunction with resistance, endurance, or both types of training on obesity in older persons. Researchers discovered that people might avoid muscle loss brought on by calorie restriction when they adhere to a diet and exercise regimen. The majority of the meal plans were composed of 30% fat, 15% protein, and 55% carbs. More research is required to find out which kind of exercise is best for avoiding muscle loss.

Consume wholesome food

Modify your diet to incorporate more sources of healthy fat and fewer bad proteins. Researchers discovered that older persons who consumed higher protein diets shed more fat and kept more lean mass in a 2016 review of 20 trials.

Try taking a multivitamin.

Think about consuming a supplement, such as chromium picolinate, which is supposed to help with blood sugar levels, appetite, and weight loss. 2018 Trusted Source research emphasizes the significance of weight loss without sacrificing lean body mass.

In addition to consuming chromium picolinate, 

You can achieve this by:

  • eating the appropriate proportions of macronutrients, 
  • such as carbs, lipids, and proteins; 
  • controlling calorie consumption; 
  • and engaging in resistance training

Consult your physician before beginning any supplement regimen. Certain drugs or illnesses may have unfavorable interactions with certain supplements.

Turn to increase the heart rate.

“The objective of designing an exercise regimen for fat loss is to increase heart rate and promote muscle growth,” states” Starkowitz. A fantastic place to start is with cardiovascular exercise. But instead of doing long slogs, consider short- to medium-length sprints and bursts. A combination of Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) cardio, such as steady running or cycling, and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) should produce the desired effects. He continues, “The important thing here is to maintain an elevated heart rate for 45–60 minutes per session.” 

Boost it up

Engaging in regular physical activity aids in weight loss. You run a higher risk of losing muscle mass if you only follow a diet to lose weight. Exercise is, therefore, crucial to your weight loss strategy. While resistance exercise—using weights, weight machines, resistance bands, and your body weight for exercises like push-ups and squats—and aerobic activity are both essential for good health, multiple studies have found that resistance exercise is superior to aerobic activity in terms of building muscle strength and endurance. 

Consume, rest, exercise, repeat.

Ultimately, constancy is the age-old maxim that is espoused by both Clarke and Starkowitz. This applies to your workout, nutrition, and, most importantly, your recovery. According to Starkowitz, “overtraining” and injury are common risks when cutting, especially if on reduced calories.” “Plan ac” i”e recovery days in between your most demanding workouts to safeguard your success, and get plenty of sleep to replenish your energy.”

“If the “gs” are moving slowly, don’t give, don’t continue”, Clarke. “People go” through phases of cutting and bulking because it’s very difficult to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.” But even”things are possible if you approach things patiently and consistently. 

Errors in muscle growth when reducing fat

Going cold turkey on their diet and creating an excessive calorie deficit is one of the most frequent mistakes people make while trying to reduce body fat. According to Clarke, “the body “will turn to skeletal muscle as an emergency fuel source due to the sudden drop off in available energy, which can cause rapid muscle loss.” He advises using a meal tracking tool like MyFitnessPal as a guide and aiming to cut your daily intake by about 500 calories, or 10–20 percent of your total daily needs, just to be cautious. According to Brett Starkowitz, Master Trainer and Head of Education at Ten Health & Fitness, “cutting fat” an entire food group altogether is another common mistake when trying to lose fat.” Removing” fats and carbohydrates from your diet might deprive your body of essential nutrients, particularly when you are working out. “Your muscles will recover and refuel by consuming moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes, oats, and rice,” advises “Markowitz. “Healthy b”ain function and vitamin absorption also depend on the nutrient-dense fats found in milk, eggs, and oily fish.” Naturally”, protein is also very important. 

When to consult an expert

When to consult an expert

You can better connect your food and fitness regimen with your overall goals by working with a qualified nutritionist or dietitian. Consulting a specialist is particularly advantageous in cases where your food habits impact pre-existing medical disorders or if you have specific dietary requirements. Those who need clarification about the precise steps to take to modify their eating habits might also benefit from it. You can design an exercise program with the assistance of a personal trainer that fits your fitness level and goals. Additionally, they’ll check that you have the right weight.

A professional can keep modifying your software so that it advances you as you go. They will also hold you accountable and inspire you.

In summary

Even while you might lose some muscle mass in addition to extra fat, you can control it with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Eat a lot of protein, carbohydrates, and fresh fruits and vegetables in addition to keeping a calorie deficit to aid in fat loss. Make realistic, reachable goals. Monitor your development over a few months. Strive for better performance and concentrate on developing your strength. Continue to concentrate on your advancement and maintain a consistent method. Remember to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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