Carbs on a paleo diet

Carbs on a paleo diet

The goal of the paleo diet is to eat similarly to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. However, to adhere to this diet, which items should you take and which should you avoid? Knowing what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be challenging if you’re new to the paleo diet. Certain foods are permitted while others are not, much like most diets. Additionally, some meals have a grey area and are occasionally allowed. 

Your planning for eating out or cooking at home will be made easier with our comprehensive list of paleo-approved meals. You need to know whether you’re new to the paleo diet, want to review the guidelines, or want to follow some healthier portions.

What Is Cycling on Carbs?

A diet plan known as “carb cycling” restricts the amount of carbohydrates used as fuel. There are ways to limit carbohydrates when they aren’t needed and add them at the perfect moments. “Carb cycling” is the practice of alternating brief periods of a ketogenic diet. Carb cycling is a strategy used by some to reap some of the benefits of the ketogenic diet without having to deal with some of the more typical adverse effects. 

You will schedule periods when you eat more or less carbohydrates while you carb cycle. For instance, you might eat more carbohydrates on Saturdays than on Sundays through Fridays. Alternatively, follow a two-month low-carb, one-month high-carb plan and switch. 

The overall goal is to increase metabolic flexibility, which allows your body to function more efficiently on fat-derived ketones or glucose from carbohydrates (as well as protein through gluconeogenesis). 

Some people adjust their carb intake according to the season, and women adjust their carb intake by their menstrual cycles. Increased carbohydrate intake around ovulation and in the week before your period, according to medical professionals, may assist in optimizing hormone levels. But there is still debate in science. Try several things to see what suits your physique the best.

What advantages does the paleo diet offer?

What advantages does the paleo diet offer

A healthy diet can include a paleo lifestyle low in simple carbs, sodium, and sugar and high in fibre, potassium, and antioxidants. It focuses on possibilities for grass-fed beef and regional, sustainable, organic, and non-GMO foods. Foods with a lot of processing or artificial colouring and additives are discouraged. 

A paleo diet high in fruits and vegetables may help you meet most of your nutrient needs. It might jump-start weight loss and enhance cholesterol and blood sugar profiles—at least temporarily.

Paleo, Carb-Rich Foods

  • Yams and sweet potatoes 
  • Plantain 
  • Taro root 
  • Squashes for winter, such as acorn or butternut 
  • Mangos, pineapples, bananas, and dates are examples of tropical fruits. 
  • You can alternate between these dishes for a whole or half day. They can also consist of a sequence of days, weeks, or months heavy in carbohydrates. 
  • You can follow many great Paleo recipes for periods of high-carb refeeding and low-carb eating.

Limiting carbohydrates and dairy is part of the paleo diet. Is that not a positive thing?

Limiting carbohydrates and dairy is part of the paleo diet

Carbs are necessary to us, particularly complex carbs. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are essential energy sources for the brain and muscles. However, most of us can and ought to consume less refined carbohydrates in the form of desserts, chips, and sugary beverages. Without the added benefits of fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals, these items increase calories and add needless additives. They are frequently fortified to make highly processed goods seem healthier on nutrition labels.

Vitamin D and calcium supplements might be required if dairy consumption is severely restricted and isn’t supplemented with other calcium-rich foods. Advocates of the Paleo diet typically claim that dairy causes inflammation. On the other hand, other studies indicate that consuming low-fat dairy products lowers blood levels of inflammatory markers.

Is a Paleo diet low in carbs?

Not at all! Although it naturally encourages a diet with fewer carbohydrates, the paleo diet is not low-carb. Why? Since processed grains are forbidden and are the most convenient carbohydrates to consume, 

Therefore, no cookies. Not a single cracker. No tortillas, quinoa, bread, bagels, pasta, oats, cereal, etc. 

You should avoid eating any processed or refined grains or legumes. 

However, macronutrients still include carbs. What happens if I’m exercising a lot and require more energy? What are some reliable paleo sources of carbohydrates after working out? 

If fat and protein aren’t providing enough carbohydrates, you can try many paleo carb sources. However, there is evidence indicating you don’t need any at all.

Is brown rice paleo?

That depends on the response. If you do, though, you should eat less. 

Once more, while many people who follow the Paleo diet eat fewer carbohydrates overall, it’s not always a low-carb diet. White rice is disliked by many since it provides little nutritional benefit other than calories, and brown rice has more nutrients but also includes phytates, which can aggravate the digestive tract. Since rice is still a grain, purists will want to avoid it, but you should decide what is best for your lifestyle. You can get the paleo carb source energy you need to remain consistent by having a small side of rice before or after a strenuous workout. It’s also a very affordable choice. 

How many paleo carbohydrates can I eat on the diet each day?

Any quantity will do. It’s crucial to remember that the paleo diet is individualized and is not the same as keto. There isn’t one universal standard that applies to everyone. 

Yes, the diet is structured around returning to the essentials, but you may modify the basics to suit your needs. Athletes who are iron deficient will want more foods high in iron, just as they will need more carbohydrates or fuel-producing foods. 

Furthermore, it’s easy to detect when your body is low on carbohydrates or other nutrients used to make energy. You can have a headache, feel slightly weaker, and experience dizziness. 

Which carbohydrates fit the paleo diet?

You can still rely on the basic guideline of avoiding grains and processed meals. We can point you in the right direction with the most common paleo-friendly carbohydrates, but we cannot provide you with a comprehensive list of all your options due to the length of the list and lack of usefulness.  Recall that practically every fruit and vegetable has some carbs.


The answer to including some starchy vegetables in your Paleo diet is simple enough. These foods may bring excellent variety, minerals, fibre, and energy to your diet, and they’re all 100% paleo-friendly. Recall that Paleo is not always “low carb”—instead, it’s a tailored approach to eating natural, entire, nutrient-dense meals. Many people, particularly women and athletes, perform better on one to three servings of starch daily. See how they fit into your diet by giving them a try.

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