Can I travel with my old OCI and new passport 2024

Can I travel with my old OCI and new passport 2024

Traveling can be a stressful experience, especially when ensuring you have all the necessary documents in order. For Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), combining an old OCI card and a new passport can raise questions and concerns. As of 2023, there have been updates and clarifications regarding this matter. Let’s explore whether you can travel with an old OCI card and a new passport and what steps you need to take to ensure a smooth journey. Let’s discuss” Can I travel with old OCI and new passport 2024?”.

Comprehending the OCI Card

For people of Indian descent, the OCI card is a lifetime visa that enables them to enter and exit India without requiring another one. It confers various advantages, such as the perpetual right to live, work, and study in India. However, the OCI card and your passport need to be updated.

Modifications to the Policy

Former OCI Card and Current Passport:

OCI card holders had to renew their card each time they obtained a new passport. This frequently led to misunderstandings and an increase in red tape. To streamline the procedure, the Indian government has made several adjustments.

By 2024:

  • Adult OCI Cardholders (21 years of age and up): If you currently have an adult OCI card, you are exempt from having to reapply every time you obtain a new passport. If your OCI card has your previous passport number, you can use both your old and new passports. When traveling, however, you must bring both your old and new passports and OCI card.
  • Children (under 20): OCI cardholders under 20 must have their cards reissued every time a new passport is obtained because their facial features and looks change as they age. This implies that minors must have a current OCI card matching their passport.
  • Travelers 50 Years of Age and Upward: In the past, to obtain a new passport, travelers in this age range had to renew their OCI card. The removal of this criterion will make travel easier for senior citizens.

Actions to Take Before Travel: Verify Your Documents

Actions to Take Before Travel Verify Your Documents

Ensure the passport number from your prior passport is correct and that your OCI card is current. Keep your new passport and your old one (the one connected to your OCI card) on you.

Notification of Alteration in Passport:

Adults are not required to do this, but informing the appropriate authorities about your updated passport information is an excellent idea. You can complete this online by using the OCI services portal.

Children must file for a new OCI card issue that includes their updated passport information.

Reach out to the embassy or consulate:

If in doubt, get clarification from the Indian consulate or embassy closest to you. They can advise based on your circumstances and the most recent regulations.

Revise your contact details:

Make sure your contact details are current in your OCI records so that they may be used in the event of an emergency or other problem while you’re on the road.

What to anticipate while visiting an immigration

What to anticipate while visiting an immigration

When using a fresh passport and an outdated OCI card to enter India:

Present Both Passports: When you go through immigration, be ready to show your OCI card and your old and new passports. This aids in the identification process and the validity checks of OCI cards by immigration officers.

Easy Entry: If all of your paperwork is in line, the revised requirements should make the entry procedure go more smoothly.

FAQs regarding OCI

Do I need to reissue my OCI card now that I have a new passport?

A: After getting a new passport after turning 20, you must renew your OCI Card once.

Q: My parents were born in pre-partition India. Hence, I am of Indian descent. They briefly held Pakistani citizenship following the division before relocating to the U.S. Can I obtain an OCI card?

A: Not at all. The applicant would not be eligible for an OCI card if they, their parents, or grandparents were ever citizens of Bangladesh or Pakistan.

Q: My PIO card is still valid. Does this need to be converted to an OCI card? When the conversion deadline passes, will my PIO Card still be valid?

A: It is true that until December 31, 2021, applications may be submitted online to register as OCI cardholders instead of PIO cardholders.

Do I need a Renunciation Certificate to apply for an OCI card? How does one go about requesting a Renunciation Certificate? How much time does it take to be issued?

A Renunciation Certificate is required to apply for an OCI card. You can apply for a renunciation certificate on the VFS website. Renunciation certificates are issued in two to three working days (not including the VFS mailing time).

Can I enter India using my OCI Card, or must I bring my passport with the OCI Visa (also known as the “U”)?

A: You do not need to carry a passport containing your U.S. visa. According to Ministry of Home Affairs circular No. 26011/06/2015-OCI, dated January 29, 2015, the Indian government has decided that when OCI cardholders enter or exit the country, immigration authorities will not require them to produce a foreign passport with the “U” visa sticker. Instead, immigration clearance will be granted based on presenting a valid OCI card and passport, which may or may not have the U visa sticker.

Q: My spouse is not Indian and is a foreign national. My OCI card is in my possession. Does my partner qualify for an OCI Card? What about my kids?

A: Spouses of Indian citizens or Overseas Citizens of India cardholders registered under section 7A who are of foreign origin and whose marriage has been continuously registered for at least two years before the application’s presentation are eligible to apply for an OCI card. Minor children who have an Indian citizen parent or parents who are citizens of India themselves are eligible to apply for an OCI Card.

Q: Are Indian-origin foreign military personnel eligible for OCI cards?

A: No, overseas military members are not eligible to receive an OCI, whether serving or retired. An OCI card cannot be obtained by anyone who has previously served in a foreign military organization.

In summary

In 2024, most adult travelers will find it easier to travel with an old OCI card and a new passport because of recent regulatory adjustments. You can have a hassle-free trip to and from India by ensuring you have both your old and new passports and your OCI card and know any minor-specific requirements. Happy travels!

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