Why am I not losing weight on the keto diet

Why am I not losing weight on the keto diet

Some people can follow the ketogenic diet and not lose weight. This can be due to several factors, such as improper calorie counting or failure to enter ketosis. One kind of diet that severely limits the amount of carbohydrates consumed is the keto diet. Typically, the body converts carbs into glucose, a sugar that can be utilised as fuel. The body enters a state known as ketosis when there are insufficient carbohydrates. The body becomes highly adept at burning fat and using it as fuel during ketosis instead of glucose. The ketogenic diet is a popular option for those trying to lose weight because of its ability to burn fat. Let’s discuss why I am not losing weight on the keto diet! 

For several reasons, someone who follows the ketogenic diet could not see weight loss. The many options are described in this article. Additionally, it offers some essential advice that can help someone reach their weight loss objectives.

What is the state of ketosis?

Why  am I not losing weight on the keto diet! – What is the state of ketosis? The brain uses the body’s glucose as fuel. As a backup fuel source for the brain, the body will make ketones from fat if it is famished or doesn’t have enough glucose from carbohydrates in its diet.The body is in a condition of ketosis when this occurs. According to the notion, weight loss can be more effective during ketosis than regular dieting since the body will be more adept at burning fat. But is it possible to be in ketosis and not lose weight at all?

Not Losing Weight While in Ketosis?

If you eat a ketogenic diet and you feel like you’re all the proper low-carb items, there may be a few reasons why you see the desired results. My top four explanations are listed below.


Your daily carbohydrate intake must be 50 grams or fewer to maintain ketosis. Therefore, the majority of keto dieters try to consume foods that are high in fat and protein.

Protein and carbohydrates comprise just four calories per gram, compared to 9 calories per gram for fat. It implies that eating excessive amounts of fat during a ketogenic diet may lead to an overabundance of calories.




Foods high in protein and fat are staples of the ketogenic diet, as was previously established. However, following the diet to success involves more than limiting your carb intake to maintain ketosis. You could not be losing weight on the ketogenic diet if your sources of fat and protein are processed, low-nutrient items. You can stay in ketosis with a diet heavy on red meat, bacon, butter, and hot dogs. Still, it contains antioxidants and minerals and introduces inflammatory molecules into the body. 


If you have an underlying problem slowing down your metabolism, you might not be losing weight on keto even if you are not overdoing it on calories and your diet is healthy. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, and PCOS are a few hormonal conditions that might make it more challenging to lose weight using conventional diet techniques. If this is the case, it is best to consult a physician who can address the underlying condition with medicine to move forward with any diet plan.  



You will still struggle to lose weight even if you are a strict follower of the ketogenic diet and you continue to engage in non-weight-loss habits. These behaviours include using tobacco products, consuming alcohol, smoking, sleeping insufficiently, mishandling stress, and not exercising.Weight reduction may occur more slowly if there is no exercise, which can be frustrating and make one think their diet isn’t. Stress and sleep deprivation can release cortisol and ghrelin, which can lead to sensations of hunger and overeating. Stress can also cause you to hold onto more fat tissue. 

You need to consume wholesome meals.

Having wholesome, nutrient-dense foods is the key to good weight loss, regardless of your chosen diet plan. Even if processed foods are keto-friendly, relying on them can hinder your weight loss efforts.Because they contain extra calories, foods like snack bars, keto desserts, and other packaged goods can undermine your weight loss efforts when consumed between meals. Furthermore, overindulging in quick-service meals like hot dogs and fast food can impede your weight loss efforts.

You have an unidentified medical condition.

The ketogenic diet is a valuable strategy for losing weight.However, it’s good to rule out any medical conditions that might impede your ability to lose weight if you’re struggling to lose weight while doing everything correctly.Medical conditions that might induce weight gain and make it difficult to lose weight include hyperinsulinemia (high insulin levels), Cushing’s, hypothyroidism, PCOS, and depression. Your doctor can rule out these illnesses with a battery of tests.

Don’t let you suffer from any of the ailments above.

On a Keto Diet, How Much Weight Can You Lose?

How quickly do you lose weight on the ketogenic diet, assuming you adhere to it healthfully? In actuality, it relies on your weight loss, diet adherence, and the size of your calorie deficit.

Subjects who followed a ketogenic diet for weight loss lost, on average, four pounds more than those who followed a standard diet, according to a 2018 systematic review of dozens of studies on the subject. Higher-quality studies, however, have yet to find any difference in weight loss between high-fat and low-fat diets, and these trials had a high dropout rate because participants found the diet difficult to follow.

Does Being in Ketosis Help Me Lose Weight?

So many individuals succeed on the ketogenic diet because compared to carbs, the macronutrients fat and protein significantly increase satiety or the sense of being full.Therefore, if someone eats a diet high in refined carbohydrates and discovers that they are gaining weight, they will probably have better success losing weight if they convert to a diet high in healthy fats, lean protein, and non-starchy veggies. However, being in ketosis for a long time can have undesirable side effects.

Ketones are not the best energy source for the body to run on, even if the brain can use them as a survival mechanism. Constipation, headaches, exhaustion, and brain fog are common side effects of ketosis, which makes it difficult for many people to maintain. It’s crucial to understand that promoting satiety and creating a calorie deficit are the critical components of the keto diet that enable weight loss. 


Consider many things, from ensuring your comfort zone to controlling stress and sleep. Recall that everyone losing weight is unique. Persistence and patience are essential. You may maximise the benefits of the ketogenic diet and more closely coincide with your weight loss objectives by taking care of these possible problems.Due to its ability to aid in weight loss by encouraging fat burning through a high-fat, low-carb diet, the keto diet has gained a lot of popularity.

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