How to increase skin elasticity naturally

How to increase skin elasticity naturally

As people age, their skin naturally loses some of its suppleness. When you would have applied makeup or rubbed your eyes, you must have noticed it for the first time. Your skin no longer bounces back the way it did after you move your eyelid slightly to the side. The skin’s elasticity refers to its capacity to stretch and return to its natural shape. Elastosis is the term for the loss of skin elasticity. Your skin seems leathery, sagging, or wrinkled due to this issue. When your skin becomes slack from prolonged sun exposure, it is called solar elastosis. The good news is that there are natural therapies you may use to increase the flexibility of your skin. Let’s talk about how to improve skin elasticity naturally.

What Leads to Skin Elasticity Loss?

A decrease in collagen and elastin production leads to a loss of suppleness in the skin. Collagen and elastin fibers, two crucial skin-building proteins, gradually deteriorate over time due to many circumstances, many of which we can manage and counteract.

Internal Elements

The following internal variables are responsible for the decrease in skin elasticity:

  • Growing Genes
  • ailments
  • imbalance of hormones
  • Variations in weight
  • Emphasise

Outside Factors

A decrease in skin elasticity can be caused by external influences such as:

  • sunlight-related pollution
  • Drinking and Smoking
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • inadequate diet in terms of nutrition
  • inadequate maintenance of the skin
  • Absence of exercise

With appropriate skin-protecting creams, treatments, and lifestyle changes, we can counteract the aging effects of several environmental causes.

What causes changes in skin elasticity?

What causes changes in skin elasticity?

Skin is the biggest organ in the body. It serves as a shield from the weather as well. People’s skin naturally begins to show signs of aging. Skin begins to lose collagen and elastin, a protein that gives skin flexibility and resilience. The dermal layer of the skin contains elastin in its connective tissue. Elastosis can be accelerated or made worse by environmental and lifestyle factors. Among them are:

  • air pollution,
  • sun exposure,
  • poor diet, and 
  • smoking
  • Elastosis can also result after rapid, significant weight loss.

A Few Techniques to Increase Skin Elasticity

This is a detailed guide on how to increase the synthesis of new collagen and elastin, protect existing ones, and improve other factors that affect skin elasticity.

Work out

Health professionals advise frequent exercise to improve mood and libido and lower the risk of serious diseases. Frequent exercise has an impact on our skin’s condition as well. It encourages fibroblasts to create more of the elastin and collagen needed for firm and youthful skin. Strength training is an excellent technique for developing muscle and tightening loose skin.


Lack of sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances and other health problems, such as the breakdown of collagen and weakened skin barrier function. The alleged “beauty sleep” is a real thing and a valuable ally in the fight to preserve collagen and keep skin supple. It requires sleeping for the whole night for at least seven hours, ideally beginning before midnight.

Reduce tension

Stress-induced chronically elevated cortisol levels impair skin barrier function by decreasing dermal collagen quantity and quality. Our general health, including the condition of our skin, can be positively impacted by practicing relaxation techniques and engaging in stress-relieving activities. Stress-reduction methods that work well include yoga, meditation, taking a little stroll, and spending time in nature.

Consume More Foods High in Antioxidants

Since antioxidants prevent UV rays and free radicals from destroying the skin’s structural proteins, they can aid with various skin issues. The most potent antioxidants for skin care are vitamins C, E, and A; however, a diet high in antioxidants can promote collagen production and have anti-aging benefits. Among the most excellent foods to eat for antioxidants are:

  • Fruits including grapefruit, lemon, kiwi, and berries
  • vegetables, including bell peppers, tomatoes, leafy greens, and legumes
  • Whole grains, such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats
  • Nuts, particularly Brazil nuts, pecans, and walnuts

Give Up Smoking

Nicotine causes wrinkles, dryness, and sagging skin by speeding up the breakdown of proteins that support healthy skin. After quitting smoking, people usually see a tighter, smoother complexion a few weeks later due to better circulation and skin cell delivery of oxygen and nutrients.

Minimise Sun Exposure

The leading external cause of aging skin is UV exposure. It causes a delayed aging impact on the skin, causing damage to skin cell DNA over time, and it causes an acute inflammatory response (sunburn). The best strategies to keep skin healthy and looking young are to wear protective clothing, use sunscreen constantly, and stay out of the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

B3 vitamin

When it comes to the benefits for the skin, vitamin B3 (niacinamide) is the star of the B complex vitamins. It can improve water retention, lessen hyperpigmentation, balance sebum production, and reduce inflammation. It is a common ingredient in skincare products. Based on user feedback, niacinamide-containing treatments assist in brightening, smoothing, and firming the skin.

Supplements with collagen

Supplements with collagen

Because they offer a rapid method of increasing collagen production and enhancing skin suppleness, collagen supplements are becoming increasingly popular. They are simple to include in a regular meal plan and come in tablet, powder, or liquid form.

Because the unique peptide composition in Vibrant Collagen is supported by clinical research and has been shown to help enhance collagen synthesis and improve skin health, the Vibrant Skin Bar team recommends it. 

Retinoids and Retinol

Vital vitamin A-based compounds called retinoids have anti-aging qualities that increase the creation of collagen and the turnover of skin cells. One form of retinoid that’s frequently used in cosmetics to heal skin damage and give it a firmer, plumper appearance is retinol. Thus, while including retinol products in your evening skincare routine, skin experts advise using caution and introducing them gradually.

Sodium Hyaluronate

Our bodies naturally contain hyaluronic acid, which can retain water and keep the skin moisturized, plump, and elastic. As we age, our levels decrease, leading to a loss of skin suppleness and brightness. Using hyaluronic acid-containing moisturizers, serums, and HA supplements is the m, most excellent strategy to protect and boost the body’s natural hyaluronic acid stores and boost them.

The Genistein

A substance derived from soy, genistein has numerous anti-aging advantages, such as less photodamage and increased skin suppleness. According to a study on the substance’s effects on menopausal women, it attaches to estrogen receptors to repair and improves skin abnormalities, such as skin laxity, that occur when estrogen levels drop. Genistein can be added to food as a supplement or found in cosmetics.

Flavanols in cocoa

Catechins and epicatechins, two cocoa flavanols, offer a strong antioxidant defense. According to one study, they help increase skin elasticity and reduce photoaging. Using goods with high flavanol content, like dark chocolate and black and green tea, or applying these compounds topically to lotions and serums is the best option.

Cream Dexpanthenol

One type of pantothenic acid, which is a part of coenzyme A, is dexpanthenol. When applied topically, it increases fibroblast activity and aids in water retention, enhancing the suppleness and texture of the skin. It is commonly used to treat wounds and relieve dry, itchy, irritated skin.

Stem cells from plants

Scientific literature has established the remarkable anti-aging capabilities of plant stem cells. They aid in healing injured skin by encouraging fibroblasts to make collagen. Plant stem cells contain keratin, a powerful compound that lowers oxidative stress and promotes cell regeneration. Additional noted aesthetic benefits include the top layer of skin being more flexible and shielding it from UV rays.

Factors of Growth

Proteins called growth factors are released by keratinocytes and fibroblasts, two types of skin cells. Their function promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which repairs the skin and enhances its firmness and elasticity.

The Vibrant Skin Bar team regards Osmosis MD StemFactor as one of the most cutting-edge and potent growth factor serums. It improves every facet of aging skin by inducing fibroblasts to create more growth factors.

In summary

A comprehensive strategy that includes appropriate hydration, a diet high in nutrients, regular exercise, sun protection, natural skincare products, facial workouts, enough sleep, and stress management is necessary to increase skin elasticity naturally.

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