14-day liquid diet weight loss results

14-day liquid diet weight loss results

Gaining weight loss is a popular objective. Many people are looking for the best weight loss programme, whether it’s for beauty or health. One type of diet plan for losing weight emphasises drinking liquids more than eating solid food. While some programmes only switch out specific meals for liquids, others switch out all solid foods for liquids.

The many kinds of liquid diets are covered in this article, and whether they are advised for weight loss.

Which Diet Is Liquid?

The term “liquid diet” describes feeding regimens that limit a person’s caloric intake primarily to liquids. This implies that several kinds of diets are liquid diets. The whole liquid diet is the most popular.

A complete liquid diet is a way of eating where a person only drinks liquids, such as soups, juices, and smoothies, and avoids solid meals. Different flavours are typically available on whole-liquid diets, particularly if you want smoothies. Because these drinks are made with nutrient-dense ingredients, you get delicious enhancements and benefit from excellent nutritional value. Protein smoothies, for instance, can include fibre, protein, and vital vitamins and minerals.

How Do Liquid Diets?

The primary strategy for weight loss in these diets is cutting calories. Your body should then begin burning the extra fat you have stored. Many must know that these diets will only cause weight loss if you burn more calories than you take in.

The scale will only go in your desired direction once you eat less than you burn off daily. This holds irrespective of your favoured approach to losing weight.

A liquid diet is sometimes different from a low-calorie diet. For instance, meal replacement smoothies can have a high-calorie content depending on the contents. 

It’s okay to have two or three of them a day because you’ll absorb about 800-1200 calories if you’re not eating solid food. On the other hand, overindulging in shakes and exceeding your daily caloric intake may hinder your attempts to lose weight.

It is occasionally advised to start an exercise programme before, during, or after the diet phase to achieve better outcomes. You may increase your calorie burn in this method, aid in the growth of your muscles, and reduce body fat.

Many people who finish these diets end up gaining their weight back because they are unable to maintain a healthy eating routine.

Liquid Diet Types

Liquid Diet Types

An all-liquid diet can take many different shapes depending on what you drink and why you’re on the diet.

Fasting on water

You can follow a one- to three-day fast by drinking only water or perhaps a combination of water and sugar-free herbal drinks. You can feel sick and tired if you’re not used to fasting. Since the weight reduction via water fasting is most likely water weight from fluid shifts brought on by fasting, it is frequently just temporary.

Changing Days of Fasting

With alternate-day fasting, you can take a more relaxed approach, have typical solid food on other days, and only ingest a minimal amount of calories on alternate days (which, for some people, is primarily liquid) (9). It’s a sensible strategy if you want to continue with your everyday activities while avoiding the frequent hunger pangs that water-fasting adherents experience.

Meal Replacement Drinks

Protein shakes are used as a meal substitute for part or all meals in the meal replacement liquid diet. Because it only needs a little preparation or thought, some people find this a more straightforward method of losing weight. But it can grow monotonous after a while.

This diet calls for either homemade or store-bought protein drinks. People can lose weight by decreasing their hunger thanks to the protein in the drinks.

The Clear Liquid Diet

The strictest diet is the clear liquid one. Regretfully, people who are eager to drop weight as soon as possible also find it the most popular. It’s also occasionally done temporarily for health-related reasons. It entails consuming just clear beverages for a while.

Shakes and smoothies high in protein and other nutrients are off-limits during this diet. You can only consume clear broths, tea, juices, and water—none offering much nutrition or energy. 

What Can You Eat on a Liquid Diet for Two Weeks?

Since eating is the goal of this diet, you are not allowed to consume anything. The liquid routine you’ve established for yourself must be followed.

You can drink the following beverages over the two weeks:

  • Soups with straining (store-bought or homemade)
  • fresh fruit juice
  • Broth made of vegetables
  • Beef and chicken broths that are clear
  • teas made with herbs
  • Shakes with protein (store-bought or homemade)
  • Milk
  • Drinks made with yoghurt

Benefits of Fluid Diets

Benefits of Fluid Diets

These diets, although restricted, might yield some immediate benefits. The following are some advantages of a liquid diet plan:

Loss of Weight

If done correctly, an all-liquid diet can aid in rapid weight loss. It is occasionally used to get ready for bariatric surgery while being closely monitored by a physician.

Even if you’re on a diet like this to cut calories, you should still eat enough to fuel your everyday activities and physical activity.

Additionally, you must ensure that your body receives all the nutrition it requires. While it’s more straightforward on the meal replacement liquid diet, it’s more difficult on water fasts and liquid detoxes. 

Low-cost and Simple

There isn’t a diet more economical than drinking only water, yet most liquid diets are inexpensive compared to other diet plans and involve less preparation and cooking.


Is a two-month liquid diet possible for me?

An all-liquid diet should never be followed for more than 14 days because doing so increases the risk of significant health problems and nutrient deficits. Unless directed by a physician, a liquid diet that lasts more than a few days is usually not advised.

Does yoghurt fit into a completely liquid diet?

Yoghurt is a healthy choice if you follow a liquid-only diet. It can add some diversity to your diet plan and is a beautiful source of protein. But it’s crucial to go for plain or low-sugar yoghurts instead of flavoured ones, which could have extra sugar and calories. Whether yoghurt is a liquid has generated debate because it occasionally contains granola or solid fruit pieces. The ideal yoghurt is thinner, more liquid-based, and devoid of fruit or other ingredients. 

On a liquid diet, why am I gaining weight?

When you follow a liquid diet, you either consume too many high-sugar beverages or more calories than your body requires, which causes you to gain weight. The idea that giving up solid food will instantly cause you to consume fewer calories and lose weight is popular, but it’s not necessarily true. Lack of fibre can result in overeating and weight gain because it boosts satiety and helps control blood sugar levels.


Regaining weight after a liquid diet usually occurs when you resume eating solid meals. Moreover, it may result in severe nutrient shortages. Before starting one of these diets, you should speak with your healthcare professional to ensure there won’t be any problems and that you can keep off the weight you lose. Selecting nutrient-rich liquids and maintaining hydration levels is essential for optimal outcomes. It would help if you spoke with a healthcare provider before beginning any liquid diet to ensure it is safe and customised for your unique health needs.

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